Dr. Laura L. Hall
The syllabus is your guide to the course. You may either scroll through the following information or click on any one of the highlighted links provided below in order to access the information of your choice.
Technical RequirementsIn order to optimize your experience in this course you will need access to a basic computer system with an Internet connection. The following are the minimum hardware and software specifications for the course.
Familiarity with the web site will ease the use of the elements and features that have been built in for you. You will see this menu on every page of the course. The syllabus is the guide to the course.
Course CreditThe course is designed for students enrolled in CIS 3345 and earns 3 University credit hours.
Course Description
IT IS A TIGHT MARKET....The most important objective of this course is to turn you into knowledgeable, and highly marketable leaders in your community. As college graduates you will most certainly not only assume positions of leadership in your organizations, you will also be important role-models and authority figures in your communities. To be successful, it is important for you to prepare for ALL the dimensions your careers will offer. The skills that you need to develop are well-documented. Regardless of the subject matter, you are expected to be good writers, good decision makers, and to have excellent communication skills. The course has been designed to focus on these skills in conjunction with the course material.
Course FeaturesThe class has both traditional and electronic features.
Course ObjectivesThe objective of CIS 3345 is to increase the
student’s understanding of the role of IT in business so that he/she can be
prepared for an active role in designing, using, and managing information
systems. Upon successful completion of this course, the CIS 3345 students will
be able:
This course has been carefully designed to develop a specific set of skills. Listed below are the specific skill areas as well as the objectives which are designed to target these skills.
Course Requirements
The following table presents the course requirements, the skills that you are expected to acquire, and the weight given to each assignment.
Tests. Tests are scheduled on the course calendar. There are no makeup tests after a test. The only way to replace a missed test grade requires a 15 page research paper. If you need to miss a test, reschedule it BEFORE the date of the test. Projects. Specific instructions are provided in the Project module. BONUS: When you can name everyone in the class then you will receive 20 extra points to be applied to your test grade.
Course Materials
Here are some links where you can purchase the book. If you have trouble finding a book then put the ISBN number into Google and links to book dealers will come up. http://www.globetextbooks.com/servlet/Detail?no=85 http://www.collegeclassifieds.com/?function=04021
Grading PolicyThe University of Texas at El Paso prides itself on its standards of academic excellence. In all matters of intellectual pursuit, UTEP faculty and students must strive to achieve excellence based on the quality of work produced by the individual. Students are expected to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity. Any form of scholastic dishonesty is an affront to the pursuit of knowledge and jeopardizes the quality of the degree awarded to all graduates of UTEP. It is imperative, therefore, that the members of this academic community understand the regulations pertaining to academic integrity and that all faculty insist on adherence to these standards. Any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to discipline. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts. Proven violations of the detailed regulations, as printed in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP), and available in the Office of the Dean of Students, and the homepage of The Dean of Students (DOS) at www.utep.edu, may result in sanctions ranging from disciplinary probation, to failing grade on the work in question, to a failing grade in the course, or to suspension or dismissal, among others. The following scale will be used for grading purposes:
work is considered to be doing just what is asked of you which would be standard
work. "B" work or above average work is doing more than is asked
of you. "A" work shows careful thought, time, and effort put
into your work. Class attendance is mandatory. Roll will be called at the beginning of each class. If you arrive in class after the roll is called you will not be counted for that day. If you feel you may have a disability that requires accommodations, contact the Disabled Student Services Office at 747-5148, go to Union Bldg., East, Room 106, or e-mail dss@utep.edu
The course calendar provides the schedule for the course as well as important due dates. The course calendar can be located on the home page under the course calendar link. Your Instructor
am originally from Biloxi, Mississippi, which is about 90 miles east of New
I have lived in El Paso for the past thirteen years and absolutely love it.
My undergraduate degree is in (of all things!) Home Economics.
I also have a MBA from the University of Southern Mississippi.
I did my doctoral work at Florida State University (Go Seminoles!) and my
Ph.D. is in Management Information Systems.
I have ten years of work experience in both the government and the
private sector. I
began teaching after my Master’s degree…Economics courses and Money and Banking
at the University of Southern Mississippi. I also taught Statistics (which
I LOVE) for four years at Florida State while I was in the doctoral program.
I have three gorgeous and smart daughters (no prejudice, it’s true) Jessica, 24,
Jennifer, 23, and Jasmine, 19, and I have been married nine wonderful
years! This April my first grandson was born!
Office HoursDr. Laura L. Hall