

SPRING 2019 - Expert Systems

Dr. Laura L. Trevino
Rm. 259

Office Hours: 
TT   4:20 p.m.  – 6:00 p.m.
MW 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.


The syllabus is your guide to the course. It provides an overview of the course, and establishes the course foundations.


The course is designed for students enrolled in CIS 4330 and earns 3 University credit hours. There are no prerequisites for this course. 



The course involves the study of Expert Systems (ES), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Robotics.  The course is web-based and you will find almost all of the material that you need on this internet site.  The only thing you will not find contained in this site is your robot kits and the only expense you will have is the expenses incurred in your group project which you will divide amongst the team.  

All course curriculum should ideally include skill-learning over and above basic facts and figures.  In this course you should practice on communicating your ideas and on making a good impression.  The importance of these two skills  CAN NOT  be overemphasized.  Be prompt, diligent, engaged, prepared, inquisitive, responsible, and make friends. These qualities, along (of course) with all the knowledge you have acquired, will make you a shining success, in the classroom, in the workplace, and anywhere in the world that you may go.  Start NOW to make them personal habits.   


The course features a robotics project in which you will plan, construct, demonstrate and present a robotic model. Robot kits will be constructed by groups of five.  Each group will choose a local elementary school and arrange to demonstrate their robot to an elementary school class.   Your project must be managed using project management tools.  You will prepare a 30 minute presentation which will include include information on robotics, a demonstration of your robot, and an activity for class participation.  You will then conduct a question and answer period.  

You have two objectives.  The first is to influence the children to think about college in a fun and positive way, to tell them the importance of going to college, and to make them believe they can do it.  The second is to teach them something about robotics!   



This course has been carefully designed to develop a specific set of skills.  Listed below are the specific skill areas as well as the objectives which are designed to target these skills:



  To develop a systems view of the role of AI in technology

  To understand the metaphor of brains and computers

  To conceptualize directions in technology for the future

  To synthesize material from a variety of sources



  To judge reliability, integrity, and accuracy of sources of information

  Perform statistical analysis on data sets

  To design, analyze, and implement complete projects

  To evaluate peer performance and presentation of information



  Learn basics of robotic construction.

  Communicate electronically in both synchronous and asynchronous 

  Develop a high level of technical and creative writing skills

  Design and develop a full multimedia presentation



  To strengthen creative writing skills

  To design in full channel multimedia

  To communicate in cyberspace

  To network electronically



  To develop impression management skills

   Demonstrate professional presentation skills

   Create and manage contacts



The following table presents the course requirements, the skills that you are expected to acquire, and the weight given to each assignment. A description of each evaluation area is given after the table



Tests (3)


Robot Project

Writing skills





Time Management

Research skills


Team skills



Idea Communication

Technology Use

Grade Percentage







You will need to purchase a robot kit.  You and your group members will divide the cost of the kit that you choose.  You do not need a book.  All material is included in the web site.



The University of Texas at El Paso prides itself on its standards of academic excellence. In all matters of intellectual pursuit, UTEP faculty and students must strive to achieve excellence based on the quality of work produced by the individual. Students are expected to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity. Any form of scholastic dishonesty is an affront to the pursuit of knowledge and jeopardizes the quality of the degree awarded to all graduates of UTEP. It is imperative, therefore, that the members of this academic community understand the regulations pertaining to academic integrity and that all faculty insist on adherence to these standards.

Any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to discipline. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts. Proven violations of the detailed regulations, as printed in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP), and available in the Office of the Dean of Students, and the homepage of The Dean of Students (DOS) at, may result in sanctions ranging from disciplinary probation, to failing grade on the work in question, to a failing grade in the course, or to suspension or dismissal, among others.

The following scale will be used for grading purposes:





 90 - 100

 Excellent Work


 80 - 89

 Above Average


 70 - 79



 65 - 69



 0 - 64




The course calendar provides the semester schedule of meeting times as well as important due dates.  The course schedule is structured in order for you to efficiently manage your schoolwork with your other responsibilities.  HOWEVER, the schedule given is TENTATIVE in the sense that there might be some variations (The order of topics listed is set, but the actual length of time needed and progression of the course depends on the rate at which the class progresses)


Dr. Laura L. Trevino
Rm. 259

Office Hours: 





Ugh!  I find talking about myself one of the hardest things to do!  I am originally from Biloxi, Mississippi, which is about 90 miles east of New Orleans.  I have lived in El Paso for the past 24 years.  I am an Associate Professor of Management Information Systems and teach in the Department of Information and Decision Sciences at the University of Texas at El Paso.  My undergraduate degree is in (of all things) Home Economics.  I also have a MBA from the University of Southern Mississippi.  I did my doctoral work at Florida State University (Go Seminoles!).   I have thirteen years of work experience in both the government and the private sector.  My very FIRST job was at Burger King so it has been a long and winding road for me.  Working there taught me what I DID NOT want to do the rest of my life so I guess it was worth it in the long run!  I began teaching after my Master’s…Economics courses and Money and Banking.  I also taught Statistics (which I LOVE) for four years at Florida State while I was in the doctoral program.  I have three gorgeous and smart daughters (no prejudice, it’s true) Jessica, 32, Jennifer, 30, and Jasmine, 28.  I have three beautiful grandchildren and another that will be here any day!   I am sure you will hear many stories about them during the course!  I have been married eighteen years to the MOST wonderful man in the world.  

 My teaching philosophy is very much centered on the idea of "active learning". Basically that means that I like to DO things as opposed to reading about them. Many of the activities and projects are planned for you to learn as you work. 

Much of the recipe for success involves discipline. Discipline in your studies, discipline in your life, and discipline in your demeanor. This course requires tremendous self-discipline. To succeed in this course you must stay on schedule and plan carefully for the work that must be done. The more time you spend exploring the topics the better education you will have.

Okay...I hope you enjoy the course! Move on to the Introduction Link!